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My first proper Earthquake!

 Last night at 3.07am was woken to everything moving, bedroom cupboard door rattling and general WTF moment! This is my first really quake, the previous one I had felt while I was offshore in Qatar, but thought that was just the crane driver being a bit rough with a load landing. Last nights was different, the whole place was shaking and lying it bed it felt really weird last a good 20+ seconds I would have guessed. Turns out it was a Magnitude 6.6, located around 48Km WNW of Polis, off the west coast of Cyprus. At least no damage here and everyone fine. Eldest daughter thought it was 'so cool', think that was her first experience of one as well. Full details can be found at:

Last day of the school holidays.....

After yesterdays BBQ, today was definitely a lazy day. Tidy up and cleaning and lazying about.

I started a 24hr trial of the IPTV subscription with the provider I had narrowed it down to. I had followed the instructions for configuring the MAG box and the portal services with the correct URLs, but kept getting a 'blocked' message. in the end I contacted their support. Very prompt reply. and it turns out that even though my MAG box is connected to the network via wireless, and the MAC address of the wireless connection is different from the unused wired connection, the authentication is actually done on the wired connections MAC. Setting the new MAC address in the providers subscription portal, and all is good.

Did have an issue getting sound at first, but this is actually down to the internet connection to the villa. the VSDL link is a bit temperamental. and see frequent Sync loss and slow downs. Definitely need to look at a WISP provider and bin the VSDL link or use it for fall back.


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